Injury Treatments
- Minimally invasive Injection therapy that can relieve pain and promote healing (non-cortisone)
- Chronic or persistent condition management by a specialist in rehabilitation medicine
- Injury evaluation and management
- Injury appointments within 24 hours for established patients Monday – Thursday 8:30-4
- Rehabilitation exercises and therapy
- Nonsteroidal pain relief and healing promoting supplements
Preventive Treatments
- Healthy eating nutrition plan to support athletic performance
- Targeted supplements such as collagen, hyaluronic acid and joint support to minimize injuries
- Exercise Prescription with consideration of your unique needs
- Balance and reflexes training strategies
- Bone density screening, nutrition and exercises
- More great information here from Selkirk
Some common pickleball injuries include:
pickleball elbow
pickleball wrist pain
pickleball knee pain
pickleball shoulder pain
pickleball calf pain
pickleball core or back pain
pickleball ankle sprain